
  1. The name of the Society shall be WYE HISTORICAL SOCIETY.
  2. The OBJECTS OF THE Society shall be to advance the education of the public in local history and historical issues of wider import. In furtherance of the said objects but not otherwise the Society through its Executive Committee shall have the following powers:
    1. To provide and disseminate historical knowledge through sponsoring lectures, publications, exhibitions and demonstrations.
    2. To provide advice and information regarding historical issues.
    3. To form Study Groups for specific purposes.
    4. To act as a co-ordinating body to co-operate with local and county authorities and other organisations and persons having kindred aims and interests.
    5. To appoint four Trustees, who shall include the President of the Society, or a Vice-President as Deputy, to be responsible for the safe-keeping of books, documents, maps, artefacts etc., which may have been purchased by, or given to, or deposited with the Society. None of these items shall be disposed of without the agreement of the Society at a General Meeting by two-thirds of a quorum of at least thirty members. Alternatively such a decision can be taken with the approval of at least half of the membership.
    6. To raise funds and to invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscriptions, donations and otherwise in raising funds for its primary purpose.
    7. To carry out such other lawful acts as are necessary for the attainment of the said purposes.
  3. Membership shall be open to anyone with historical interests.
  4. The Society shall be funded primarily through annual subscriptions, voluntary contributions, and fund raising activities. Changes to the annual subscription shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and confirmed at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. Subscriptions are due at the first meeting of the Winter Programme.
  5. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the March Meeting of the Winter Programme to receive the Executive Committee's report on the year's activities and the accounts made up to the end of the previous December. During this meeting the election of Officers and Members of the Committee shall also take place. The Committee shall decide when ordinary meetings of the Society shall be held and shall give at least fourteen days' notice of such meetings to members. Any member wishing to raise a matter of substance or put a resolution at the Annual General Meeting must notify the Secretary not less than twenty-one days before the Annual General Meeting.
  6. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held at the written request of at least twelve members, notice being given in writing to members by the Secretary at least twenty-one days before the date of the meeting.
  7. Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands except when at least two members demand a secret ballot. The Chairman of any meeting shall have a casting vote.
  8. Nominations for the election of Officers shall be made at least twenty-one days before the Annual General Meeting. Such nominations shall be supported by a seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been obtained. The election of Officers shall take place prior to the election of further Committee Members. The Officers of the Society shall serve in an honorary capacity and consist of: Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall relinquish their office every year and be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. A President and up to two Vice-Presidents may be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Society. The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies occurring among the Officers of the Society. An Auditor, not a member of the Committee, shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
  9. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration of the Society. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers and not more than eight other elected Members. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four additional Members being full members of the Society. The President and Vice-President may attend any meeting of the Executive Committee, but only the President shall have right to vote at such a meeting. In the event of equal votes being cast, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
    Nominations for the election of other Members to the Executive Committee shall be made before or at the Annual General Meeting. Each must be supported by a seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must first be obtained. If the nominations exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot shall take place. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for two years at the Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election. The Executive Committee shall meet not less than twice per year when attendance will be recorded by the Secretary and reported to the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall give members at least seven days' notice of each meeting. A quorum shall, as near as may be, comprise one-third of the Members of the Executive Committee.
  10. The Executive Committee shall, out of the funds of the Society, pay all proper expenses of administration and management of the Society. Bank accounts shall be operated in the name of the Society and withdrawals shall be made on the signature of any two of the Officers of the Society. After the payment of the administration and management expenses and the setting aside to the reserves of such sums as may be deemed expedient, the remaining funds of the Society shall be applied by the Executive Committee towards the furtherance of the purposes of the Society.
  11. Alterations to this Constitution shall require the assent of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. A resolution for the alteration of the Constitution must be received by the Secretary of the Society at least twenty-one days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least fourteen days' notice of such a meeting must be given by the Secretary to the membership and must include notice of the alteration proposed. No alterations shall be made to Clause 2 (Objects), Clause 13 (Dissolution) or this clause, without the written approval of the Charity Commissioners or other authority having charitable jurisdiction. No alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing the Society to cease to be a charity in law.
  12. Notices required by these Rules shall be deemed to be duly given if left at or sent by prepaid postage to the addresses of members concerned last notified to the Secretary.
  13. Dissolution of the Society shall require the assent of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society. This decision needs to be confirmed by a simple majority of members voting at an Extraordinary General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting held not less than fourteen days after the previous meeting. In the event of a dissolution of the Society, the assets shall be transferred to one or more institutions having kindred objects. These institutions shall be chosen by the Executive Committee and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society at which the decision to dissolve the Society is confirmed. On dissolution, the Minute Books and other Records of the Society shall be offered to the archives of the County of Kent, together with any remaining items which have been purchased by, given to or deposited with the Society and to which it has legal title.