
Join Us

We welcome new members! Membership is open to anyone with historical interests.

Annual subscription fees are payable from 1 October:

£12.00 per person

Entrance to meetings is free to members; non-members may attend at £3.00 per lecture.

Contact Us

Who's Who:

President Revd John Makey
Acting Chairman Alan Paterson
Hon Secretary Jonathan Timms
Archivist Maureen de Saxe
Hon Treasurer Anna Clark
Ordinary Members Ellie Morris
Rosie Fletcher
Cilla Deeks
Margaret Bray
David Perkins

The homepage of www.wyehistoricalsociety.org.uk welcomes new visitors to the site, provides subscription information and invites contact via the enquiries email address. Committee members are listed in the 'Contacts' section. The 'Programme' tab contains information on past, present and future programmes of talks. Write-ups of these lectures, originally published in the Parish Magazine, can be found by clicking on the title of each talk. Books published by the Society are listed with details on how to purchase those in stock. Excursions for the current year are posted, along with short descriptions of previous trips. The 'Archive' tab currently contains links to First World War Parish Magazines, articles on the archives published in the Parish Magazine and a small selection of photographs. There are plans to expand this section in future. Wye Local History articles are listed in the 'Journal' section so visitors can see the titles of all the articles published since 1978.