"Wye Local History" Journal

Wye Local History is the society's journal.


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October 2020 October 2020 Newsletter

The Old Trackway; Interpreting Historical Artwork

November 2020 November 2020 Newsletter

William Harvey; Wye College

December 2020 December 2020 Newsletter

Dig For History project; Wye's Roman Roots; Brook Agriucltural Museum: Carts and Wagons

January 2021 January 2021 Newsletter

History of Vaccination; Cardinal John Kempe; Hop Gardens of Kent

February 2021 February 2021 Newsletter

The Church Bells of Boughton Aluph; The Lost Village of Brunesford; The Clockmakers of Wye District

March 2021 March 2021 Newsletter

Ecumenism in Wye; WHS 'Dig for History' Project; Holmesdale

May 2021 May 2021 Newsletter

AGM Minutes; The Hundred Years War (in ten minutes); Navigation of the Stour in Roman Times

August 2021 August 2021 Newsletter

Discovering Roman Wye; Panedmics in the Past

September 2022 September 2022 Newsletter

Reginald Scot of Brabourne; update on Archaeology in Wye

February 2023 February 2023 Newsletter

Wye College Terracotta Panels

August 2023 August 2023 Newsletter

Hop Stories

February 2024 February 2024 Newsletter

History of the Oil Depot

Latest issue

Spring 2016: Volume VII No. 6

Edited by Maureen de Saxe

Contents Wye
Margaret Pawley (1922-2014) David de Saxe
Wye Heritage Centre Francis Huntington
Wye's Jacobean Statues Jenny Oram
Professor Louis Wain, CBE, FRS Lucy Huntington
Seeking the Medieval Chancel of Wye Church Paul Burnham
Ian Coulson (1955-2015) John Makey
Wye Church Clock Maureen de Saxe

Previous issues

Autumn 1978: Volume 1 No. 1

Recent Finds Editor
A New Look at Old Kempe C. Paul Burnham
Old Swan House G.A. Worrall
Nackholt Tile Works H.H. Glasscock

Spring 1979: Volume 1 No. 2

Romano British Sites in Wye J. Bradshaw
Questions about Wye's Early Development H.F. Wickings
The Impact of its Early History upon Modern Wye S. Graham Brade Birks
Wye in Wartime J. & A. Jones, H.H. Glasscock

Autumn 1979: Volume 1 No. 3

Memories of Wye Characters F.P. Lusted
The Bailiff's House, Church Street A.M. Paterson
Bybrook Barn H. & E. Nunn
Wye in Wartime R Jordan

Spring 1980: Volume 1 No. 4

The Undercroft in Upper Bridge Street various authors
How People Lived in Seventeenth Century Wye G.F. & D.M. Davis
Hop Growing in Wye Parish F.C. Thompson
The Death Railway J.D. Mitchell

Autumn 1980: Volume 1 No. 5

Cakes Yoke, Hunt Street, Crundale J. White
Bells and Bellringing E.F. Wyld
Reflections from Olantigh F.W.H. Loudon
Wye Cricket (1) F.P. Lusted
Undercroft in Upper Bridge Street Appendix (various authors)

Spring 1981: Volume II No. 1

Crundale House E.W. Parkin
The Mills of Wye and District C.P. Burnham
Wye Cricket Club (2) J.G. Parker
Wye's Early Greatness A.M. Paterson

Autumn 1981: Volume II No. 2

The Peasants Revolt of 1381 Sir John Winnifrith
Court Lodge, Brook C.W.A. Garland
Our Disappearing Wildlife F.W.H. Loudon
The Giants Grave J. Bradshaw
History from a Small Coin Appendix (various authors)
Letter to the Editor Susan Duffield

Spring 1982: Volume II No. 3

Canon Stanley Brade Birks: an Appreciation F.P. Lusted
Coombe Manor, Hastingleigh E.W. Parkin
The Sawbridges Prof. Bryan Keith Lucas
Wye Hill Café P. McTierney

Autumn 1982: Volume II No. 4

Early Victorian Wye: Occupations Anon.
Wye Racecourse 1881-1975 P. McTierney
The Crown and the College T.J. Young
Edwardian Recollections G.W. Erle Drax
Boy Scout Beginnings P.F. Lusted and others
Maritime Wye J.G. Parker
Wye during World War II Andrew Chenery

Spring 1983: Volume III No. 1

A Rare Treasure at Wye E.W. Parkin
William Harvey A M. Paterson
Was Aphra Behn Actually Born at Wye H.F. Wickings
Hanover Mill, Mersham C.P. Burnham
The Denne Family S. Yeomans
Report from the Falklands H. Halsey

Autumn 1983: Volume III No. 2

Godmersham Park Sir David Smithers
Court Lodge Barn in Brook R.F. Farrar
Private Schools in Wye and Boughton Aluph in the 19th Century J. Anderson
Wartime Flying over Wye 1916 18 R.P. Cue, M.J. Hartley and others

Spring 1984: Volume III No. 3

St. Eustace's Well H.F. Wickings
Social Services in Wye in the 1700s H.H. Glasscock
The Oasthouse at Court Lodge, Brook R.F. Farrar
Wellington and Winchilsea P.G. Dormer
Wye Parish Council: The First Years 1894-97 J.G. Parker

Autumn 1984: Volume III No. 4

Hop Growing at Spring Grove Farm in the 1890s Elizabeth Amos
Shops before 1300 E.W. Parkin
Wye Martyrs H.F. Wickings
Wye Charities for the Relief of the Poor B. Keith-Lucas
College of Secular Priests, Wye Anne-Mary Paterson

Spring 1985: Volume III No.5

Interesting Finds at Wye Mill J.D. Latham
Ernest Hubbard Prof. B. Keith-Lucas
Victory Celebrations 1945/46 M. Shea & L. Chamberlain (Letter)
Wye Parish Council J.G. Parker

Winter 1985-6: Volume III No.6

William Godseef (Part I) J. Bradshaw
The Fires of Church Street H.H. Glasscock
Memories of a Wye Student L.P. Haynes
Earthquakes in Wye C.P. Burnham
Health Services in Wye Henry Haste

1988-89: Volume IV No.1

The Foundation of Wye Historical Society in 1948 Michael Nightingale of Cromarty, OBE
The Lady Joanna Thornhill Primary School Douglas Sewell, MBE
1686 "The Sad News" J.G. Parker
William Godseef (Part II) J. Bradshaw
Goal Running at Wye A.J. Vinson

1989-90: Volume IV No. 2

The Gathering Storm J.D. Sykes
The Day War Broke Out J.G. Parker
Under Fire Paul Cobb
A Naval Occasion K.E. Snelson
They Also Served J.D. Sykes
The Church Militant J.D. Sykes
The Army In Wye J.D. Sykes

Spring 1994: Volume V No. 1

Olantigh during the Twentieth Century Robert Lloyd
Interview with Charlie Hayward
Obituary: Herbert Henry Sutton 1895-1991 Hugh Bailey & Bill Hancock
Obituary: Harold Wickings Anne-Mary Wharton
Wye and the King over the Water Nigel Washington-Jones

Spring 1995: Volume V No. 2

Wye Crown Restored 1991/94 Donald Sykes
Three Centenaries, 1894 to 1994
   1 Wye College Donald Sykes
   2 The Lady Joanna Thornhill Primary School, Wye John Parker
   3 Parish Councils Bryan Keith-Lucas
Wye and 'The War to end all Wars' 1914-18
   Introduction: 'The Call to Arms' Donald Sykes
   'Your King And country Need You': Wye College, 1914-1918 Paul Cobb
   'The Home Front': Life in Wye in the First World War Caroline Spencer
   Wye and the 'War in the Air': 1916-19 John Parker
   The Aftermath Donald Sykes
Book Review
   The Republican Virago: The Life and Times of Catherine Macaulay by Bridget Hill Margaret Pawley

Spring 1996: Volume V No. 3

A Wye Carrier and Carter Miss Dorothy Coulter
The Wye Town Brass Band Eric Clayton
Book Review
   Wye in the Eighteenth Century by Bryan Keith-Lucas Geoffrey Allanson

Spring 1997: Volume V No. 4

Eighty years of Wye Women's Institute Henry Haste
Cardinal John Kempe: renowned son of Wye J. Donald Sykes
Transport of delight Jean Ratcliffe
Richard Forster and the Crundale Parish Library Margaret Pawley
Book Review
   The Rice Portrait of Jane Austen by Richard James Wheeler Bryan Keith-Lucas
Bryan Keith-Lucas: an appreciation By some of his friends
Henry Haste: an appreciation H.W.M. 'Jimmy' James

Summer 1998: Volume V No. 5

Wye Historical Society 1948 to 1998 J. Donald Sykes
John Parker - in tribute J. Donald Sykes
The Story of Lady Joanna Thornhill Anne Findlay
Daughters of the Soil Jean Ratcliffe
Nineteenth Century Wye H.C.F. Lansberry

Summer 1999: Volume V No. 6

The History of the Church Bells of Wye Ted Wyld
Spring Grove Farmhouse Heather Van den Bergh
Opening of Wye College Agricultural Museum, Court Lodge Farm, Brook on 20 May, 1959 S.G. Brade-Birks
The Historical Interests and Associations at Wye of Michael Nightingale of Cromarty Donald Sykes
The History of Wye Market Paul Burnham

Summer 2000: Volume V No. 7

Books that Speak Volume Jean Ratcliffe
A Life of Ninety Years Nora Tutt
Some Mysteries and Enigmas of Historical Wye: Part I Donald Sykes
The History of Yew Trees House, Wye Ian Coulson

Spring 2001: Volume V No. 8

The Coming of the Railway to Wye Pete Cleveland
Wye High school Averil Clayton
A Day to Remember Jean Ratcliffe
Some Mysteries and Enigmas of Historical Wye: Part II and Part III Donald Sykes
Reminiscences of Wye of Gladys Smith Averil Clayton

Spring 2002: Volume VI No.

Withersdane Hall 1840 to 1945 Anne Findlay
(Musical) Notes from the Past Jean Ratcliffe
A Walk through Wye in 1602 Ian Coulson
Vignettes of Edwardian Wye Donald Sykes
Reminiscences of Wye Joyce Terry
The Undercroft, No. 2 Upper Bridge Street, Wye Rupert Austin

Autumn 2003: Volume VI No. 2

William Selwyn Morris: Surgeon, Author and Aeronaut Donald Sykes
Wye Bridge Peter Seary
The Origins of Taylor's Yard Aileen Makey
Oral History: Edie Curtis Mary Tidnam
The Life and Death of Wye Book Club (1755 to 1886) Margaret Pawley

Summer 2004: Volume VI No.3

Wye's VC Hero Donald Sykes
The Naccolt Tile and Brick Works Maureen de Saxe
Laying the Foundation Stone of the New School House at Wye and the Presentation to Mr John Herbert The late Frank Lusted
Wye Historical Society Archives Brian Grantley Smith
Godfrey de Lucy: Vicar of Wye (1173 1204) Paul Burnham
Anne Plumtre: Author and Dramatist (1760 1818) Margaret Pawley

Autumn 2005: Volume VI No.4

Dr Robert Plot, FRS, LLD Donald Sykes
Shopping in Wye in the Late 1930s (Oral History memories of Wye residents) Mary Tidnam
The Old Wye Whiting Industry The late Frank Lusted
Researching Bertram David de Saxe
The Revd Canon Edgar Lambert Margaret Pawley

Autumn 2006: Volume VI No. 5

Obituary: The Right Reverend David Say, KCVO, DD Margaret Pawley
The Early Life of John Sawbridge (1732 1795) Paul Burnham
Tithes and the Wye Tithe Map Maureen de Saxe
'Corner Croft', 41 Church Street John Makey
Wartime Wye Donald Sykes
'Age cannot wither, nor custom stale' Margaret Pawley

Autumn 2007: Volume VII No. 1

Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 1400): His Association with Kent Margaret Pawley
Wye in 1755: As viewed by the 19 year old Sarah Hoole Maureen de Saxe
What was Gavelkind? David de Saxe
Evelyn Dunbar (1906 1960) Barbara Seth
Those were the Days Jean Ratcliffe

Winter 2008: Volume VII No. 2

A queen from Eastwell Manor Margaret Pawley
The History of Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) School Averil Clayton
The Autobiography of Sir Charles Wheler Paul Burnham
The Centenary of Wye Fire Brigade: Notes on the early years Maureen de Saxe
The Centenary of Wye Fire Brigade: Some Personal Memories of Wye Fire Brigade John Morris
Book Review
    Researching the History of a Country House: a guide to sources and their use by Richard Goodenough Paul Burnham

Winter 2009-10: Volume VII No. 3

Wye Heritage Centre: an Initiative David de Saxe
It's all go in Local History in Kent Ian Coulson
Memories of: Edith ('Edie') Curtis Maureen de Saxe
Jean Rosemary Campbell Burton-Brown Kinn McIntosh
Cornelia ('Corrie') Helena Grindle Ton Swaan
Lieutenant-Colonel Norman Field Averil Clayton
The History of Henry Hall's House Paul Burnham
A Philosopher and Mystic: Simone Weil Don Thake

Winter 2010-11: Volume VII No. 3

Tribute to Peter Cozens Mark Deller
Wye Parish Church Paul Burnham
A Caring Society Cilla Deeks
The Black Death in Kent David de Saxe
The Historical Context of Medieval Houses of Brook Paul Burnham
Brook House Graham Bradley
The Will of John Combs Diane Morphew

Spring 2012: Volume VII No. 5

Edited by Maureen de Saxe

Editorial Wye
Donald Sykes
   A Tribute from WHS Averil Clayton & Paul Burnham
   Donald's Life and Career Ian Lean
The Birth of Wye Heritage Centre Francis Huntington
Full Circle: Agricultural Advisory Services (NAAS & ADAS) in Wye 1946-1997 Don Thake & others
The History of Hops and Wye College Hop Department Lucy Huntington
The Restoration of the Wye Undercroft
   1: The Elizabethan House Maureen de Saxe
   2: History of the Wye Wine Shop Patrick Keegan
   3: Restoration Catherine Hughes