
Join Us

We welcome new members! Membership is open to anyone with historical interests.

Annual subscription fees are payable from 1 October:

£12.00 per person

Entrance to meetings is free to members; non-members may attend at £3.00 per lecture.

Lecture Programme

Meetings are held in the Lady Joanna Thornhill School at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month from October to April.

Please click on the title of any of our previous lectures to see a summary of the talk.


4th October 2023 Renè Mouchotte - Free French Spitfire Hero.

Jan Leeming

1st November 2023 The Luttrell Psalter

Imogen Corrigan

6th December 2023 Perfume in the Bible

Charles Sell

3rd January 2024 Members' Evening
7th February 2024 Ashford's Worst Day. The Great Raid of 24th March 1943

Ed Adams

6th March 2024 Antique Maps

John Tattersfield

3rd April 2024 KCC Archives and items of local interest.

Elizabeth Finn

Please click on the title of any of our previous lectures to see a summary of the talk.

Previous Lectures

5th October 2022 Flying Past - The History of Aviation in Kent

Guy Bartlett

2nd November 2022 Hopping in Kent

Sue Duckworth

7th December 2022 The History of Godington House

Betty Joynson

4th January 2023 Members' Evening
1st February 2023 Elizabeth Barton

Melanie Gibson-Barton

1st March 2023 The Museum at Quex House - an Illustrated Talk

Hazel Basford

5th April 2023 Restoring London's Victorian and Edwardian Railway Architecture

Benedict O'Looney

6th October 2021 A Spitfire Girl: Mary Ellis

Melody Foreman

3rd November 2021 The History of Zoos: from Royal Menageries to Global Conservation Centres.

Prof. Richard Griffiths

1st December 2021 Rupert. The Anthropomorphic Bear

Howard Smith


5th January 2022 Members' Evening


February 2022 Ashford's Hidden Treasures: The Top 10 Hits

Jasper Pleydell-Bouverie

2nd March 2022 Kent and Turkish Piracy in the 17 th Century

Prof. Jackie Eales

6th April 2022 Three Castles and an Ironmaster's House

David Clarke

2nd October 2019 The Green Man in English Churches

Imogen Corrigan

6th November 2019 The Bronze Age Dover Boat

Peter Clark

4th December 2019 Catherine the Great and her Lovers

Patsy Erskine-Hill

8th January 2020 Members' Evening

5th February 2020 Music in the Armed Forces

Emma Hanna

4th March 2020 Smuggling in Kent

Peter Ewart

1st April 2020 Kent and Turkish Piracy in the 17th Century - CANCELLED

Prof. Jackie Eales

3rd October 2018 The Pre-Raphaelites: Lives, Loves and Legacy

Delia Taylor

7th November 2018 Lister's Antiseptic Surgery: a Medical Revolution

Dr Michael Heeley

5th December 2018 Victorian Philanthropy: a Golden Age?

Hugh Cunningham

9th January 2019 Members' Evening

6th February 2019 Continental Painted Glass in Kentish Churches

Leslie Smith

6th March 2019 AGM followed by President's Lecture: Some Houses in Church Street, Wye

Reverend John Makey

3rd April 2019 William Hogarth's Perambulation of Kent

David Parker

4th April 2018 Portraits in Kent Houses: New Discoveries

Maurice Howard

7th March 2018 AGM followed by Peter the Great and the Making of Modern Russia

Patsy Erskine-Hill

7th February 2018 Canterbury Pilgrimages

Fr Rodney Schofield

10th January 2018 Members' Evening

Early fires in Wye by Cilla Deeks and Jill Wyld. Followed by a display and short talk about John Moat's finds at the Palmstead plant nursery site on Harville Road, Wye.

6th December 2017 Excavating Early Folkestone

Dr Andrew Richardson

1st November 2017 The Stewart Dynasty

Stewart Ross

4th October 2017 Great Chart Soldiers in Context: The Great War 1914-1918

Dr Emma Hanna

5th April 2017 Capt John Noel, explorer 1924 Everest attempt

Sandra Noel

1st March 2017 AGM followed by Dickens and the Railways in the 1860s

Simon Bradley

1st February 2017 The Lusitania: the Last Letter

Dr Michael Wain

4th January 2017 Members' Evening

Maureen de Saxe: 'Wye from our archives' and John Newman : 'The Churchfield development 1946 - 1951'

7th December 2016 The First Day of the Somme

Maurice Sherreard

2nd November 2016 Jane Austen, Kent and the Curious Incident of the £10 Note

Dr Jennie Batchelor, Director of Learning and Training, University of Kent School of English

5th October 2016 Thomas Brock: London's Forgotten Sculptor

John Sankey

6th April 2016 A Year in the life of a Blue Badge Guide

Lt Col Dick Bolton

2nd March 2016 AGM followed by Jellicoe and Jutland - the Man and the Battle

Richard Latham

3rd February 2016 The Craft of the Cooper

Richard Filmer

6th January 2016 Members' Evening:

'Military Gents and their amazing women' by Trudy Sellers
'The Quest for Frank Wild: Antarctic Explorer' by Dr Michael Wain

2nd December 2015 Digging at the Gateway to Kent: the archaeology of the East Kent Access Road, Thanet

Phil Andrews

4th November 2015 The Tale of the Tulip

Russell Bowes

7th October 2015 The Clergy in Kent and the English Civil Wars, 1640-1660

Professor Jackie Eales

1st April 2015 The Lyminge Dig

Dr Alexandra Knox

4th March 2015 AGM followed by: Tales, Titbits and Trivia

Chris McCooey

4th February 2015 How Pugin changed English houses

Dr Timothy Brittain-Catlin

7th January 2015 Members' Evening


3rd December 2014 Passports, Assassins, Traitors and Spies

Martin Lloyd

5th November 2014 St Ambrose Church, Wye Diamond Jubilee 2014

Fr Rodney Schofield

1st October 2014 Australian Pioneers: The Story of John and Gregory Blaxland

Janet Hullett

2nd April 2014 The Norman Conquest

David Carder

5th March 2014 AGM - followed by 'The Domesday Book'

Richard Eales

5th February 2014 Bryan Faussett, F.S.A. (1720-1776)

David Wright

8th January 2014 Members' Evening
Sandra Noel; Graham Bradley
4th December 2013 Affectionately Known as Kitty: The Story of the Marlowe Memorial

Alan Stockwell

7th November 2013 Wandering in a Flanders Field

Melanie Gibson-Baton

2nd October 2013 The Great Floods of 1953

Bronwen Sadler

3rd April 2013 Emigration: Farewell to Kent
Helen Allinson
6th March 2013 AGM, followed by:
What is a castle? - recent research on the role and purpose of castles
Ian Coulson
6th February 2013 Ashford Railway Works
Clive Young
9th January 2013 Members' Evening
(various speakers)
5th December 2012 Funerals of Tudors and Stuarts
Dr John Reuther
7th November 2012 The Red Dean: The Life and Times of Hewlett-Johnson
John Butler
3rd October 2012 Leeds Castle
Dr Ann Kneif

4th April 2012 The First Prize
Imogen Corrigan